Boost Supply Chain Performance

Manage all aspects of your purchasing and receiving as well as your manufacturer supply chain.

Suggested reorders dashboard

Suggested reorders dashboard

Access real-time information—including on-hand inventory, historical usage, items on order, lead time, and safety stock levels—with automated recommended reorders, including quantity. You’ll pace just ahead of demand.

Purchase orders

Purchase orders

Create and generate purchase orders—saving time and reducing errors. Automatically push them into your financial system.

Outgoing vendor orders dashboard

Outgoing vendor orders dashboard

View open orders as well as details on orders received but awaiting inspection, orders awaiting put away, completed orders, and partially received orders.

Receive orders workflow

Receive orders workflow

Streamline orders receipt. Accept or reject orders on inspection, allocate accepted inventory to appropriate containers, and easily return or scrap rejected items.

All-in-One Software for Your Entire Team

Gain visibility into every step of the supply chain.

  • Director of Operations
  • Finance

Director of Operations

Use real-time visibility and data to streamline the purchasing process.

  • Integrate purchasing with systems used to capture usage
  • Accurately track field and finished goods warehouse inventory
  • Manage and track all purchase orders
  • View status at every step in the process


Balance demand with supply for optimal resource control.

  • Buy product only when necessary
  • Buy only what is needed
  • Manage vendor performance to continuously assess and improve pricing and quality

From Purchasing to Manufacturing and Assembly

Comprehensive features to obtain products to use and sell.

Purchase Order Management

Flexible, configurable workflow for processing and tracking Purchase Orders. Supports partial receipts and derivative POs.

WIP Management

Track items moving through the manufacturing process in real time. Configure workflows/statuses to accommodate most any scenario.

Assembly Management

Build products using components. Easily manage item BOMs. Detailed reporting of all build transactions.

Demand Planning

Determine item reorders based upon recent sales, vendor lead times, and safety stock levels.

Cost Analysis

Use average cost data at the item level to assess value of inventory held in warehouses, sets, and at field sales units.

Inspection Management

Flexible workflow for rejected items to allow for shipments back to vendors for re-work/replacement.

Finance Integration

Send purchase/receipt transactions automatically (or manually) to external finance systems. Select different financial accounts for different types of transactions.

White Labeling

Order vendor part numbers and convert them to different part numbers upon receipt. Purchase and drop-ship directly to the field.

Comprehensive Reporting

Analyze purchases, receipts, and inventory adjustments in real time.

Dedicated to Instrumenting Your Success

Success requires more than just software. It requires extensive know-how, smooth implementation, and dedicated support. That’s why we offer expertise to accelerate your ImplantBase adoption.